
admin 发布于 2023-12-26 阅读(142)

我们说母爱是世界上最伟大、最无私的爱,母爱无言却恩重如山,这个世界上唯一能只谈奉献不求回报的爱,那就是母爱。母亲的爱在你毫不知情的情况下时时刻刻笼罩着你、呵护着你。文中那位无名无姓的母亲,她看似平凡的举动,却让我们内心深受震动,大爱无言是不是最能概括这位母亲无私的举动?究竟是我们内心的哪根弦被轻轻地拨动了?让我们如此地感动许久,许久……难度:★★★☆☆ 字数:335 建议时间:6分钟“Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new . The (婴儿包) was in her arms and when she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she ①—the baby had been born ears. Time, , that the baby’s was his .One day when he home from and threw into his ’s arms, he cried out , “A boy, a big boy... me…a f-...freak.” She , that his life was to be of .He grew up, for his . A with his , he might have been class , but for that. He a gift for and music.The boy’s had a talk with the . Could be done? “I we could graft (移植) on a pair of outer ears, if they could be ,” the . So the began for a who would make such a for② a young man. Two years went by. Then, “You’re going to the , son. and I have who will the ears you need. But it’s a .” said the .The was a . His ③ into . and a of④ . Later he and the (外交) . “But I must know!” he urged his . “Who gave so much for me? I could never do for him.”“I do not you could,” said the , “but the was that you are not to know...not yet.” The years kept the , but the day did come … one of the days that ever pass a son. He stood with his over his ’s (棺材). and , the ⑤ forth a hand and the thick, -brown hair to let out⑥ the .【阅读点拨】文章介绍了一位为了自己的儿子无私奉献的伟大母亲,她对于儿子那种无言的大爱,让我们读后久久回味,感慨万千,以下我们通过文中的一些细节来感受一下母亲的心理历程:①初为人母的喜悦“Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new .②因为儿子的残缺遭人嘲笑时的心碎She , that his life was to be of .③听闻可以通过手术纠正儿子的耳朵时无言的奉献 and , the forth a hand and the thick, -brown hair to let out the .


1. The story is about .

A. how a boy had new ears an

B. what a did for the child

C. how a boy into a

D. why a made a to a boy

2. The word “freak” in 3 is the in to “”.

A. slow-

B. ugly- child

C. badly-

D. -

3. What can be from the ? A. The was the and the .

B. The boy was so that he was made class .

C. the boy came to know who the was.

D. The her ears to her son after she died.

4. What moral can we draw from this ?

A. Real love lies in what is done than what is done known.

B. It is up to to help their heart and soul.

C. True lies only in the heart not in .

D. It is a for young to learn to be .

【答案与解析】1. B。看完文章的结尾处我们已经很清楚地知道了,把耳朵给那个男孩的不是别人正是他的母亲,因此文章的主题无疑是突出了母爱的伟大,突出了对母亲牺牲精神的赞颂,因此本题最符合的答案无疑是B。2. D。本题要求我们猜测划线词的含义,我们通过划线词的上下文知道,那一些大孩子嘲笑他是freak,很多同学可能会联想到那个男孩子没有耳朵,因此是freak一词应该是长相丑陋之意,但是若我们细加注意,可以发现下文中描述道:He grew up, for his .因此男孩的外表并不丑陋,而是因为没有耳朵在外形上与普通人不一样,因此我们猜测该词的含义为:- .3. C。显然到最后那个男孩在母亲去世后,父亲撩开母亲的头发后知道了是母亲把耳朵给了他。4. A。本题要求选择我们从文章中获得的启示,本题容易误选B项,但是B项的描述与本篇的主题不是十分符合,B项的含义为:由父母决定是否全心全意帮助孩子。A项讲的是:真正的爱往往是在默默无闻中而不是为人所知中做的,符合本篇的含义,本篇中母亲一直没让自己的儿子知道是她奉献了她的耳朵,那种默默无闻的爱正是大爱无言的母爱。

【长难句分析】1. A with his , he might have been class , but for that.分析:a with his 为一名词短语作状语,he might have been class , but for that.为but for引起的含蓄条件句,该条件句中使用的是虚拟语气。含蓄条件句中的虚拟条件暗含在短语或上下文之间的含义中, 虚拟的形式要根据实际情况来调整,但虚拟的形式常用“would+动词原形”或“would have done”,含蓄条件句中的虚拟常用, but, but for, 引起,例如:(1) But for the ’s , the ship would have sunk with all on board.要不是船长的努力,船连同船上所有的乘客早就一同沉没了。(2) you, I would never know him.没有你,我就永远不会认识他了。(3) I would be most glad to help you, but I’ am busy now.我十分乐意帮助你,但是我现在很忙。(4) I am busy now, I would do you the favor!我现在很忙,否则我就帮你忙了。【典例分析】1. He for a the ball, he a goal.A. had . . would . would have 答案:D。分析:含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气,本题中表示与过去的事实相反,句意为:“在踢球前没有迟疑片刻的话,他就已经得分了”。

【词汇聚焦】①gasp (v.) (因惊异或力竭)吸气,喘气,如:(1) gasp like a fish out of water像鱼离开水似的大口喘气(2) I in at the ’s skill.那魔术师技艺惊人,我不禁倒抽一口凉气。②make a for 为……作出牺牲③ (v.) 本意为:开花;比喻义为:长成或发展成(某事物),如:(1) The trees early this year. 樱桃树今年开花早。(2) She has into a young woman.她已亭亭玉立,成了美丽的少女。④a of一系列(1) a of good 接连的丰收⑤ (v.) 伸长或伸出(1) He out his arm to take the book. 他伸出手臂去拿书。⑥let out本文中表示“泄密”,如:(1) Don’t let it out about me my job, will you?别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去,行吗?●此外,let out还可以表示“放宽,放大(衣服)”“发出(叫喊)”,如:(1) He’s so fat that his have to be let out round the waist.他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。(2) Kevin was with at the sight of his old ball, and he let out a sad sigh.一看见他的旧足球凯文充满了悲伤,发出了一声悲伤的叹息。

标签:  母爱 虚拟 含义 无私 耳朵 

